Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Toxiban: For Your Pet Emergency Kit

Toxiban. Have you heard of it?

Another product for pet owners to consider keeping in their Pet First Aid Emergency Kit is Toxiban Activated Charcoal. An alternative to inducing vomiting, using Hydrogen Peroxide, this substance is a fine powder form of processed charcoal. It binds to many types of poisons and can keep them from being absorbed into the bloodstream while facilitating their excretion via feces.

It is administered when an animal ingests organic poisons, chemicals, or other toxins. Those toxins include, but are not limited to, strychnine, insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, depressants and analgesics. Toxiban might be wise to have in any pet lovers Pet Emergency Kit because it is also effective in adsorbing other poisonous substances eaten or drunk by dogs or cats. The recommended dose of Toxiban Activated Charcoal for most animals is 1-3 grams/kg. As with any medication, always check with your veterinary specialist before administering.

6 pack of dogs is brought to you by the pet lovers at:

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