Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving

From the makers of Pedigree Dog come these words of advice:

How to ensure that your dog has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving:

  • Never give your dog poultry bones—they can splinter easily and stick in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.
  • Keep him away from chocolate—it can be fatal to dogs. Bowls of candy, or pieces dropped by guests or children, may pose a real risk to your pets. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. But any chocolate, in large enough amounts, can kill a dog. An ounce of chocolate can be toxic to a 30-pound dog, and many dogs can easily consume more than that.
  • Don't let your dog lie where food is often dropped. If he is not trained to stay out of the garbage, use a can with a lid, or keep it out of your pet's reach. Dogs are capable of amazing feats when food is involved.
  • Make sure your pet can't access food left on counters or tables. After you've cleaned the kitchen, take the garbage out and dispose of it in a secure place where no pets can get into it.
  • Watch the door as guests enter and leave. An open door is an invitation for a dog to flee a busy house for the world outside. So as guests arrive and leave, keep an eye on your dog—or, if he's shy and upset by company, keep him in a quieter part of the house during noisy festivities.
6 pack of dogs is brought to you by the pet lovers at:

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