Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stop Annoying Your Dog

I know. The majority of dog owners think that is annoying to them when their dogs do certain things, like barking continually for no apparent reason. Well, have any of you owners ever stopped to think that we may be just as annoying to our dogs and that is the reason they continue to bark or misbehave? I bet not.

We all love our dogs but, quite frankly, sometimes all of their barking and howling does start to get on even the most patient owner's nerves. Why do they do it? Sometimes, we owners send the wrong signals or react incorrectly to things Brutus and Rose may be trying to tell us. Below are a couple of things owners commonly do that aggravate or annoy their dogs.
  • Not comprehending why he is barking - Barking is the main way dogs communicate. They bark to alert us of potential danger, because they are excited, and sometimes, out of boredom.
-Do you shout at your dog to "Shut up!" or "Be Quiet!" when he seems to be barking at nothing? Doing this
can just make him bark more if he thinks you are joining him.
-Ignoring some barks tells him it does not matter that there is a another dog or squirrel outside. We could be inadvertently encouraging
him to ignore a potential buglar.
-Think about it. When you are alone or lonely - do you ever talk to yourself? Well, dogs bark or howl to

The solution: Try not to get frustrated or upset. Calmly tell your dog "Good bark" or "Thank you". This lets him know you heard him. It is his responsibility (in his mind) to protect his and your house. Make him aware that you know he is doing his job and you intend to fix those issues. Something to try might be to set a two to four bark limit. At the limit, tell him what a good job he is doing and award him with a treat or possibly throw him one of his toys. Occupying him might just take his mind off barking.

  • Going someplace and leaving your dog at home - Dogs believe they are part of your family. As such, they want to go with you when you go somewhere. Most dogs suffer some degree of separation anxiety. They may bark, cry, throw fits, be destructive, or even get sick and throw up or go poop and pee.
Help your dogs acclimate themselves to you leaving by going out and coming back in short intervals several times over and over. This takes away some of the power of your absences. The most critical time for your dogs when you leave is the first 20 minutes or so. See if giving them their favorite toy or bone helps distract them some before you leave.

  • Staying in bed too late - Dogs do not comprehend the concept of of sleeping in on certain days, i.e. weekends. Early morning, to them, is the best sniffing time. Plus, if you get up early every other day, their bladder is on that schedule. You should expect to get prodded and poked if you try to sleep in. They need their morning pee and they want you to get up with them.
As dog owners, we need to understand that our dogs are on our "usual" schedule or timetable. It is our responsibility to understand this and work to try and adhere to the schedule our dogs are accustomed to.

These are only a few of the ways we, as owners, aggravate or annoy our dogs. Each of our dogs has their own personality. I could not possibly list here all of the thing that potentially bother our furry friends. By learning certain things about the way they perceive things and understanding that there are usually reasons for the ways and things that our dogs do help us to be better caretakers for these wonderful creatures. In the end, this should make for a happier home for everyone.

6 pack of dogs is brought to you by the pet lovers at:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Prevent Your Dog From Biting Your Child

Did you know? According to the ASPCA, a child or a person is more likely to be struck by lightning than to be seriously injured by a dog bite. Sadly, most of the serious injuries are inflicted upon a young family member by their own family dog. Sadder still, most of these bites are completely preventable.
We at
6 pack of dogs encourage everyone to be proactive and learn about dog-bite prevention. To this end, We will list the 6 of the most common reasons, with a quick explanation, as to why your family dog might bite your child.

  1. An eating dog - Teach your children, early on, that they should never bother their dog while he is eating. Big or small, Aggressive or passive, all it takes is one second for your dog to feel his food, his most important basic need, to be threatened. When that happens, a normally sweet dog may snap/bite your child.
  2. A sleeping dog - Teach and caution your children about startling their sleeping dog. Think of yourself when you are in a deep sleep and someone wakes you suddenly. You wake up disoriented, ready to protect yourself if necessary. It is the same for even the sweetest dog. He is not aware of who is waking, jumping, or jostling him and his initial reaction mite be to bite.
  3. Dogs giving birth or caring for puppies - Dogs in labor, giving birth, or with puppies 6 weeks old or less instinctively protect their their babies. Children, even those that normally play with the mom, should stay away from the puppies. It is natural for dogs to protect their babies when they feel their litter vulnerable. Only you, the actual owner and usual "Alpha", should be around your dog at this time. We all know it is very tempting to let your children see the birthing process, just be sure to keep them far enough away so as not to pose a threat to mother or puppies.
  4. Child hurting a dog - Young children (between 9 months to 6 years) often do not know they are hurting or what even hurts a dog. When this occurs, a bite might sometimes occur. Teach your children what hurts your dog and why. Hitting, kicking, pulling ears, fur or tail are things younger children do to dogs and puts them at risk of being bitten. If you have a child or children that are at a stage where they may knowingly or unknowingly hurt a dog, please do not allow them to be around your dog unsupervised.
  5. Child teasing a dog - Always remember, children learn from their parents. As an adult, you usually know when you have gone too far if you are teasing and playing with your dog. Your child, on the other hand, does not yet understand those limits. When they see you do something, they try to copy you. When that involves tricking and teasing your dog, it could a recipe for a bite to occur. Teach your children what teasing is and if you see it - stop it. By all means, if you have a young child that you know is prone to teasing your dog, always supervise your dog and child.
  6. Child afraid of dog - Dogs can smell fear. If a child or,even an adult is afraid of a dog, that dog knows it and is not sure what that person is going to do. Often, dogs take that fear as a threat and attack to protect itself. If you have a child afraid of dogs, work with him/her not to be afraid. If you cannot by yourself, find a place with a controlled environment with other dogs for you, your child and dog to work things out. Regardless of the situation - please take care if you have a child that is afraid of your dog. Do not leave them together unsupervised.
Just as children need to be taught how to be well-behaved around other people, they need to be taught to be well-behaved and respectful around animals. For younger children, as soon as they can understand, teach them about dog and pack behavior. This may even be as young as 2 years old. Doing this may help lead you and your family to many years of fun and true companionship.

Remember - kids and dogs are wonderful together -- when adults use common sense and put safety first.

6 pack of dogs is brought to you by the pet lovers at: