Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We Love Birds Too

We at 6 pack of dogs have not limited our love of animals to only canine critters. We love all animals. As a matter of fact, we are also the proud owners Sydney, a beautiful and sassy blue and gold macaw. As a result, we are always looking for things to help us with Sydney. I found this article about fruit seeds and wanted to share it with all of our animal lovers at 6 pack of dogs. Here is the article and our Critters on the Move blue and gold macaw decal.


Q: Is it safe to let my parrot eat fruit seeds?

A: Whenever you question whether or not something is safe for your bird, it is always best to opt against using it until you know for certain. My philosophy is: when in doubt, don't. Fruit is wonderful for your parrot but the seeds cause a lot of confusion because some are bad and others are not. Here is a list you can use as a guideline.

The seeds of apples and the pits of cherries, peaches, plums, pears, apricots, and nectarines are all unsafe to give your birds.
They contain varying levels of a cyanide compound that can cause death. In humans, it would take many, many apple seeds to cause us to feel the effects of the poison, but, of course, parrots would succumb much more quickly to a smaller amount. If your bird does gets a hold of a couple of apple seeds, it is not a big deal and you do not need to rush him to the vet.
Keep in mind that the larger the seed or pit, the higher the amount of toxins they contain. Chewing them releases amounts of poison that might otherwise remain locked inside the hull and pass through the system without causing much harm. Unfortunately, birds chew everything, and if given the opportunity to chew open a pit, they will.

The seeds contained in grapes, cantaloupe, cranberries, watermelon, and pomegranates are all safe for birds to eat. Also safe are the seeds of citrus fruits, such as, oranges, grapefruits and lemons. While they are not fruits, the seeds from squashes and pumpkins are good for parrots too. Sometimes giving these seedy portions of fruits and vegetables will entice a bird to eat the flesh around them.

The pomegranate is a most interesting fruit. The only thing edible about it is the seed portion. the seeds are surrounded by a foam-like textured fruit covered in a tough rind. This is a great foraging toy for a bird. Serve it like the picture to the left.

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